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For the project: Brčko Inclusive Socioeconomic Initiative

Deadline for application: Monday 30th, October, 15h

CARE International, within its project “Brčko Inclusive Socioeconomic Initiative (in further text: the Project), is looking to engage experts, a consultant or an agency to (in close collaboration with CARE staff and partners), design the project’s Communication Strategy that will define the aims and approaches on how  best to convey  the message on project activities and its benefits for Brcko District, its citizens, especially for marginalised and vulnerable population groups and individuals seeking employment.

The Communication Strategy will determines the most appropriate communication channels, key messages and will define the communication roles. Particular attention will be given to approaches of promoting (Self-) Employment Center and services the Center offers to the citizens. The Communication Strategy will propose outreach activities and approach to promote advocacy messages.

General information

Job title:                                         Consultant(s) or company for conducting Communication strategy

Project title:                                    Brčko Inclusive Socioeconomic Initiative

Donor:                                            Czech Development Agency and CARE Czech Republic

Project country:                              Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brčko District

Place(s) of work:                              Brčko District

Anticipated consultants:                  Specialized consultancy team comprised of experts with diverse and complementary skill sets and backgrounds, fitting the consultancy task

Engagement period and duration:    Approximately 40 working days, over the period  1st November – 15th December 2023

About CARE in the Balkans

CARE’s mission in the region of Balkans is to contribute to post-war recovery, socio-economic development and building the societies of equality in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia (FYROM). CARE’s work in the Balkans started in 1993, when it provided humanitarian support to people affected by war. In the late 90-ties, CARE shifted its focus in the region from humanitarian post-war assistance and rehabilitation to socio-economic development, engaging in interventions directed at conflict prevention and peace-building, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.

CARE in the Balkans places the quality of its program at the centre of its mission and has developed a regional strategy that encompasses two main program directions: Gender Equality and Social and Economic Inclusion. The goal of the Social and Economic Inclusion Program is to strengthen capacity and create opportunities for the marginalized, socially excluded and poor to integrate into society and access rights. CARE’s Gender Equality Program aims to empower women vulnerable to violence, discrimination and poverty, to reach better life opportunities and social justice and to work on prevention of peer violence and building of tolerance among young men in the Western Balkans. CARE’s engagement and contribution lies in strengthening sustainability of key regional, national and/ or local civil society organizations and networks promoting equality and diversity, in the context of social inclusion and non-violence.

Project information

The project “Brčko Inclusive Socioeconomic Initiative” will contribute to socio-economic integration of disadvantaged and vulnerable categories of citizens of Brčko District. The Project concentrates its efforts to Brčko District and invests in increasing the socio-economic inclusion of marginalized groups. This is mirrored in the Project Objective: to increase social inclusion and create sustainable employment opportunities for citizens in Brčko District (BD) with a particular focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, through raising employment capacity, support to entrepreneurial activities and enabling a conducive environment for more inclusive economic development.

The following project results/outputs are expected:

Output 1:          Disadvantaged and vulnerable populations of the Brčko District have increased their capacity for employment and knowledge of their citizens’ rights, through project conducted trainings and awareness raising.

Output 2:          Increased capacity, skills and job opportunities for the unemployed citizens of BD and creation of new employment for the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, via project financial and technical support.

Output 3:          Enhanced environment for a more efficient economic inclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, by creation of public-private partnerships to address labour market barriers and promotion of sustainable employment models.

Information about the Project partner RGFBD:

The Development-Guarantee Fund of Brčko District Government – RGFDB ( is a public institution established under the Government of Brčko District (BD), responsible for providing financial support or guarantees to small and medium-sized enterprises, individuals or agricultural producers.

More specifically, the main current RGFDB services include:

  1. Approval of credit funds and their placement,
  2. Allocation of funds to small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs,
  3. Investing in securities,
  4. Providing guarantees for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises and independent entrepreneurs and farmers with the aim of faster employment,
  5. Providing guarantees for lending in the rural sector,
  6. Other credit and financial intermediation.

Role in the Project:  Unit for Implementation of International Projects at RGFDB (further PIU) has been mandated by the Government of BD to act as the main Project partner and beneficiary focal point (for all three project Outputs). PIU will also act as an intermediary between the selected the project applicant/implementer and the Government of BD, in particular on strategic issues such as legislation, long-term financing and sustainability of project outputs, etc. PPIU will, through this Project, establish and develop the (Self) Employment Socio-Economic and Entrepreneurship Centre, which will aim to provide comprehensive support to BD residents, and especially marginalized persons, on their path to self-employment, entrepreneurship and long-term/permanent employment. The Centre would serve to develop, strengthen and upgrade the skills of BD residents so that they are employable in the labour market. At the same time, it can provide retraining and other training courses, personalised training, coaching, consulting, mentoring, therapeutic and psychosocial services and similar types of help and assistance. It would serve also serve as an incubator for start-ups and early stage entrepreneurs.

Purpose of the consultancy

CARE International is looking for a consultant(s)/ organization/ company to undertake the following activities:

  • Together with CSO staff, review the existing communication and advocacy (CA) documents and propose concrete improvements for CA engagement, 
  • In cooperation with CARE, organize a two day CA workshop with representative staff from partner CSO,
  • In communication with the partner, design/update of comprehensive individual CA strategy for partner CSO, to be approved by CSO responsible bodies within the consultation period,
  • Provision of the Consultancy Report to CARE

CARE’s Outputs

  • Provide necessary information and project documentation  to the Consultant and agree on the work plan with the Consultant.
  • Coordinate with partner organisation and the Consultant during the entire preparation and realisation of the task,
  • Provide logistical support to the Consultant necessary for the realisation of the task. Travel and accommodation costs for the anticipated fieldwork  should be included in the Consultants’ bid.


The Consultant will be engaged for 30 full consultancy days in, over the period 1th November to 15th December 2023, according to the following timetable:           

Action                                                  Responsible                                                      Date

Submission of bid (electronically)           Consultant                                                        30 Oct, 23

Contract signing, initial agreements       CARE, Consultant                                              1st Nov, 23

Deadline for realisation of the task        Consultant                                                  until 15th Dec, 23

Submission of the Consultancy report    Consultant                                                          20 Dec, 23

Payment schedule

I Instalment (25% of contracted amount), not later than 20th of April Upon the report approval by CARE for reviewing existing communication and advocacy (CA) documents and proposed improvements,
Final payment (75% of contracted amount), not later than 22nd December Upon the approval of the Consultancy report by CARE

The detailed payment schedule will be outlined in the Consultancy Contract and will be made upon the work completion and the approval of the final consultancy report by CARE. The Payment will be carried out in line with all necessary documentation as per CARE’s administrative procedures (time sheets, consultancy report, etc).

Required qualification of the Consultant:

CARE invites individual experts, teams of experts, NGOs and agencies, familiar with the type of work required in the context of a CSOs development project, to submit their bids and present in details their expertise, experience, division of work and responsibility levels/responsible persons (in case of teams or agencies). The general requirements are:

  • Minimum 5 years of  knowledge and vast experience in CSOs communication and advocacy strategy design.
  • Minimum 5 years  knowledge of CSO scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Minimum 5 years workshop and coaching techniques, incorporating participatory approach.
  • Clear demonstration that the consultancy team is able to meet the needs of CSO in limited timeframe of the consultancy task.
  • Excellent command over local and English language, oral and written.  Excellent writing skills.

The Consultant’s bid/application should consist of the following:

1.         Consultant’s CV (preferably in EU Format) or portfolio, with detailed information relevant to the required qualifications.

2.         Draft consultancy plan –implementation plan (schedule) for the consultancy.

3.         Bid – financial offer: The Consultant shall suggest a daily fee/rate in BAM per consultancy day. (Transportation, food and accommodation costs should be included). There is no standard format for the bid.


The received applications will be evaluated against the below stated criteria:

REFERENCE /HISTORY                     (experience in similar work) METHODOLOGY / APROACH  (appropriateness for the task) KNOWLEDGE /SKILLS (specific for the task) FUNDS                                               (value for money)

Interested candidates are invited to apply to the address:

CARE International, Balkans, Derviša Numića number 6 , 71000 Sarajevo,           
or to the e-mail: [email protected] 

Closing date for applications is October 30th, 2023, 15h 

We thank to all applicants for their interest. Only selected applicants will be contacted. For any additional information concerning the application, please contact:

Branislav Tanasijevic, Project Manager

E-mail: [email protected]

Sarajevo, 13th October 2023


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