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Terms of Reference (TOR)

For the update and maintenance of CARE Balkans website and social media

1st February 2024 – 31st  January 2025

Deadline for application: 26th January 2024, 12 pm, local time

About CARE in the Balkans

CARE’s mission in the region is to contribute to post-war recovery and the socio-economic development of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. CARE in the Balkans consists of Offices in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in Belgrade, Serbia and Pristina, Kosovo.

CARE’s work in the Balkans started in 1992, when it provided humanitarian support to people affected by war. In the late 90-ties CARE shifted its focus in the region from humanitarian post-war assistance and rehabilitation to socio-economic development engaging in interventions directed at conflict prevention and peace-building, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.

CARE in the Balkans places the quality of its program at the center of its business and its mission and has developed a regional strategy that encompasses two main program directions: Gender Equality and Social and Economic Inclusion. The goal of the Social and Economic Inclusion Program is to strengthen capacities and create opportunities for marginalized, socially excluded and poor to integrate into society and access rights. CARE’s Gender Equality Program aims to empower women and girls vulnerable to violence, discrimination and poverty, to reach better life opportunities and social justice. CARE’s engagement and contribution lies in strengthening sustainability of key regional, national and/ or local civil society organizations and networks promoting gender equality and diversity, in the context of social inclusion and non-violence.

CARE currently has seven active projects / programs in the areas of socio-economic development, gender equality and emergency response.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Description of consultancy services:

Activities on the weekly basis:

  • Requesting and collecting information from CARE programme staff and consultations with those giving input, if needed
  • Generating content based on the input received from CARE staff
  • Updating a WordPress website with the created content
  • Prepering, adapting and posting the created content on the CARE social media that includes Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Disseminating information to media on events and major programmatic developments
  • Use  proper lenguage for the posts, English being a priority.

Periodical tasks:

  • Updating different sections of the CARE Balkans website.
  • Creating and posting infografics or short video clips for key project milestones or breakthroughs.

CARE responsibility:

  • Provide regular input and sufficient information for creation of the web content
  • Coordinate, provide support and information to the website administrator
  • Secure additional resources for creating a content that goes beyond agreed tasks and for boosting of the content on the social media.


CARE is seeking for experienced web administrator or company with a good track record in designing and maintaining web pages, portals and blogs.

Website administrator should work under direction of CARE and be available for regular communication by using e-mail, skype and phones with responsiveness within 24 hours.


Technical should contain the description of tasks and consultants’ track record. The financial offer should stipulate a monthly renumeration with VAT or other tasks included in the offer.

The offers should be submitted by 26th of January 2024 at 12.00 p.m. to the Procurement Team, CARE International Balkans, via e-mail address [email protected].

Payment schedule

Selected bidder will be paid on monthly basis after receipt of invoice until the end of the contract.


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